Sky Knight Ex ipa v1.0.5

★8/2 -->$0.99
★8/3 -->$1.99

日本區TopPaid #20;arcade分類 #1;




擺脫重力束縛展開空中激鬥, 遊戲囊括了二戰所有經典戰機:美國P40、P51, 英國噴火, 蘇聯米格-3、雅克, 納粹德國BF-109G、FW190、斯圖卡轟炸機, 日本帝國零式、神風戰鬥機等。



★50% OFF for a LIMITED TIME!!★

★If you like iFighter, you MUST take this!★

★The game dedicates to the heros they used their life to defend the American people with equality, freedom, and peace!

★★ Faithfully restore the famous World War II classic battle ★★
★★ fighter modified to increase the system's first air combat game ★★
★★ first joined the system to escape the bombing missions and aerial combat game ★★

Get rid of the shackles of gravity to start the air Fighters, the game encompasses all the classic fighters of World War II, BF109G, FW190, Stuka, Spitfire, RED MIG, Yak, P40, P51, Zero, Kamikaze and so on.
Perfect reproduction of the classic air campaign, including the Normandy landing, airborne, air Berlin, Tokyo and other classic air combat air campaign!
Snow-capped mountains, jungles, highlands, plains, military installations, cities and other grand and delicate scenes with you to enjoy the strongest visual impact!
More than 100 components can be upgraded to create the most personal of ace fighter!

********* Features ********
● restore 6 perfect classic battles
● 10 kinds of rich and delicate scenes
● 100 + enhanced parts, 10,000 + equipment combination
● upgrade the system to create individual fighters
What's new in Version 1.0.5
* Increased Stability

Version: 1.0.5
41.9 MB
Seller: HDgames Ltd
© HDgames Ltd
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later